Monday, January 17, 2011

Working Girl

It was an exhausting week in beauty schoolland.  There is no doubt that it is definitely more tiring than college was.   Where I went to classes for about 5 hours a day, got to take naps, and got to watch the Price is Right at least 3 days a week.  You definitely have to get used to being on your feet more, working with your hands and arms.  I worked through college, with my favorite job being as a student service officer where I got to walk around and write tickets for parking violations and get free coffee or pop from 7/11.  That was a sweet gig where I met some of my favorite people..  (sidenote.  One of my most entertaining moments was when I recieved my SSO call sign/nickname.  My friend Tim and I went to a party and sad to say, I had a lot too much to drink,  said "excuse me for a minute", proceeded to walk to the side of the house and threw up on some kids bike, then came back and continued the conversation.  So for the next couple weeks I was called SSO Chunks..  Embarressing?  Yes.  Funny?  Absolutely!)

So though I worked through college I couldn't imagine going to beauty school and then going to work after that most nights a week.  It would be like working 11 or 12 hours a day.  I have a lot of respect for the girls that attempt it.  I was exhausted after this week.  Its not so much the physical work as it is the social dynamics of being in school again.  When one student or instructor has a bad day it affects all the other students in some way.  Maybe that is why everyone that I have talked to that does hair and is successful says that you aren't allowed to have bad days, you have to walk through the door, smile, and act like its sunny and 70 all the time.  Most jobs I think you can make it through if you don't like what you do.  Not hair, it seems that if you aren't really excited about it than it will make you miserable.

On a sadder note, Saturday was Mrs. Peacock's last day at school.  She is glad to be finished and moving on to the next part of the process.  I felt bad for her that her last week was not as enjoyable as it could have been, a few of the girls who wore jeans were pretty cold to her because they do not like my blog.  For those out there who know me or have taken the time to try and get to know me, you know that Mrs.
Peacock has absolutely nothing to do with my blog... ever.

Cheers to you Mrs. Peacock

And being that I have like another 40 weeks of school to go, I have decided to take the blog private to avoid unintentionally causing stress on any students life.  So going forward, only followers of the blog will be able to read it.  I will write exactly the same way as if it was public, taking care to not single anyone out or posting anything that is untrue or personal to an individual. 

Here's to a better week than the last.

SSO Chunks

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