Thursday, January 6, 2011

I'm new here..

I have to say that I was pretty excited to attack the first day of beauty school. Not pee my pants excited but pretty excited none the less. Who would have ever thought that I would dress nicer to go to beauty school than I did being a steel salesman? Anyway, the new class of students is pretty small, just me and two gals. One younger and one older. Both are very nice and I am glad I didn't get stuck with any of the loud obnoxious girls.

So I have a huge leg up knowing what to expect in all this since I have a mentor. Think of it like a senior buddy when you were a freshman in school. Someone to show you the ropes. Mine is Mrs. Peacock. I know how lucky is that! Mrs Peacock is just about done with school... Not only does she help me out with the ins and outs at school but she also drives with me and lets me know when I am approaching turns too quickly along with pointing out the extra icy spots in the parking lot where I could slip and fall.

Knowing that school starts with a lot of sitting and bookwork I have taken it upon myself to provide my own seat. My sensitive deriere and metal chairs simply don't mix. By the expressions on everyones faces I could tell that I was likely to have been the first student to bring their own exercise ball to sit on. I thought about telling everyone that I had a ridiculous case of hemroids and this was the only thing I could sit on but I chickened out and just went with the "its good for my core" excuse.

We have two instructors at the school, a classroom instructor and floor instructor. Both are very nice and yet are disparaged or disliked by most of the younger students because they try to force them to learn and do hair services while they are at school. I know that this might be hard to believe but apparently a lot of beauty school students would rather sit on their butts and play with their phones rather than cut hair.

Lots more exciting stuff on the way, stay tuned and please hit the follow button for me so I know you are out there. I have included a pick of my first go at a fish tail braid! Not perfect but pretty sweet for a guy who never had sisters with barbies.

Mr. Peacock


  1. You certainly don't disappoint! I knew I would love following your
    Blog. I can't wait until the next one :-)

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