Monday, January 3, 2011

Are You Nuts?

In a word.


What possesses a successful businessman to leave his comfy high paying job during probably the most unstable economic time since the great depression to enroll in beauty school?

Let's be perfectly honest about this next part.

I have no flippin idea!

A little background on me. I have been married for 10 years, have 3 great children, and a bulldog named Eustace. I live in the beautiful resort town of Charlevoix MI. I still have all my hair and can pass for attractive when the lighting is right. And I have grown to be very good at running a steel business. Each year of my working life I have improved and made more money, living what most would consider the american dream. Every step I've taken throughout my business career has been to make my life easier. To make more money, to work less hours, to have less stress.

Then something happened...

I did it.

More money then I thought I would make, all the free time that I could use, and almost no stress.

And suddenly, work seemed empty.

The problem was that I was wrong to think that if I achieved those goals, then and only then would I be satisfied professionally. I spent 5 years climbing a mountain, enjoyed 5 minutes breathing in the fresh air at the summit, then realized there was no more climbing to do and all I was left with was staring down the other side of the mountain.

It was the climb that made my heart pump, not reaching the top. Hard to realize when I was in the middle of it, always reaching for that next golden ring

It was time to find a new mountain.

One that goes higher and is a lot more difficult to climb.

A jump is required... Goodbye summit, hello cruel hard ground.

So I guess when its all said and done, I could be doing it for the challenge or to be unique and do something that most bussinessmen would never consider..

Or it could be that I am nuts.

Mr. Peacock begins beauty school tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. You go! I'm excited to hear all about your new venture, so keep blogging!

    Good Luck, and God Speed.
