Thursday, January 13, 2011

Blue Jean (cry) Baby

Only 8 days into my schooling and the beauty school has been rocked by what I am dubbing "jeangate" or "the great jean protest of 2011". A little background. Our school has a dress code that basically is meant to encourage stylist professional dress. Its one rule and almost only rule is very simple... No blue jeans. The authorities that be even overlook the occasional pair of jeans slipped in every few weeks with no punitive consequences. And if you are lucky, if everyone is working hard and not complaining all the time, everyone will be rewarded with a "jean day".
Yes, blue jean day is to a beauty school student what shore leave is to a navy man. Usually the highlight of the month.

Ok, back to "jean gate". Apparently some of the younger students with way too much free time on their hands decided while they were sitting and NOT exhausting themselves doing anything, that it would be funny to all wear jeans on Wednesday. Yes a protest, you know, like the one in highschool where all the drama students blow off play practice because they are protesting that Jenny got the lead in Bye Bye Birdie because she is the teachers pet compared to Anne who everyone knows has a waaaayyyy better voice! OMG....

I am not sure what they were protesting, maybe professionalism, maybe the fact their instructors try to get them to do something that will help them to make money when they finally enter the cold cruel world. Maybe they all have stock in Wranglers and are just pissed, I don't know.

Well, Head instructor Leon (names have been changed to protect the innocent) was not happy. Rightfully so, he has to drink a million cups of coffee each day to give him the energy to continually stay on these girls to stop texting their boyfriends and to put their pokemon away. (Dead serious, some of the more serious gamers cannot ween themselves from their pokemon)

I am afraid the girls were not very forward thinking. Their one day of glorious jean wearing resulted in the taking away of the occaisional "I don't have any clean pants and had to wear these jeans" days. Students will now be sent home for challenging the rule. Once again I feel wronged, I could have used one of those at some point this year!

Leon has vowed to find the ringleader and break this jean conspiracy wide open, until then, all the senior students are getting extra work to keep themselves busy. Its like KP for the seaman who came back late from leave, except everyone on the ship has to pay the price.

It cracks me up, most the girls want to be there, but some... its like they went out and got drunk, woke up the next morning with a hangover saying "I did what???? I signed up for beauty school!!!??? No way!" Now they spend their days like Bill Murray and Harold Ramis in Stripes.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Ok, I have had to delete the first comment today due to the fact that it named names. If you read it, I apologize that you got a very angry and rude dose of a beauty school girl named "Tom". Here is my response to "Tom" and you should be able to fill in the blanks as to what some of her comments were.

    "Well Tom, you seem to have everything figured out at your ripe old age. You obviously have a lot more insight into the working world than I do so ok, write me again in six months and we can confer. I don't name names in my blog and I keep it lighthearted. You sound bitter and just mean as an individual, but I genuinely hope that doesn't get carried around with you throughout life. We all have our faults as individuals and I would never attack someone in regards to that on my blog as you just have in your comment. And to use a false name when attacking others is pretty lame. You will find that the running theme in my blog is that I make fun of myself more than anyone else.. I also only work with the material that is given. Please try not to take yourself so seriously, life goes much easier when you take responsibility for yourself and learn to laugh at yourself. If you doubt the quality of me as a person than please stop in and have me give you a pedicure or something. I am not very good yet but at least we could chat. Oh and make sure you press the follow button ; ) (ps, don't be offended if I delete your comment tomorrow morning as it has names in it)
    Oh and by the way, I have not included one item that Leon has said about anyone. I write what I see, not what I am told.
