Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hey big Tipper!

Beauty school can be a long and tortures process. Especially at the end of March and early April when a lot of people around town are gone making for long uneventful days of school. One positive aspect of school is that we are able to receive tips from our clients. This provides the downcast student with a little bit of positive reinforcement in what can be an otherwise dreary day. It also provides something more important.... lunch money. The tippers themselves fall into an assortment of classifications that will probably be recognizable to most in the service industry.

Breaking them down

The Dollar General

The Dollar General is exactly that. Everything is a buck. Get your haircut, tip a buck. Cup of joe, tip a buck. Carry their luggage, you get the idea. Dollar Generals always carry around at least one or two ones in their pocket to pop out when necessary. These tippers are consistent in schedule, routine, and usually even in appearance.

The Waitress

The Waitress is a hard working woman who understands the lifeblood of showing appreciation through tips. They are the most kindred in spirit to the stylist or beauty school student and typically go above and beyond to leave a good tip. The Waitress loves to feel pampered and relaxed by services due to how hectic their jobs can be always having to serve others. Every tip from The Waitress says "Hey beauty school student, I've been there, keep your chin up."

The Cheerful Giver

God loves a cheerful giver and so does the beauty school student! The cheerful giver is usually a talker, a relaxed personality that enjoys life to the fullest. It takes a lot to get them depressed and they find the bright side in every situation. The Cheerful Giver isn't too concerned about their hair and generally enjoy giving tips that are close to or over the cost of their cut. So the only question concerning them is, do they give because they're happy? Or are they happy because they give?????

The Reluctant Tipper

I have special insight on this tipper because I think for the better part of my life I was a Reluctant Tipper with a little bit of Dollar General thrown in. The Reluctant Tipper does not like to part with their money, and its not just tips, going to the store and buying clothes or really anything makes them feel angst on a small level. In terms of hair they can be a little uptight and if you look closely as you near the end of their cut, you can see just a hint of sadness start to creep in behind their eyes as they realize this whole tip situation is coming to a head. They pay, they know that they should tip,,,,, but if it wasn't forced on them by societal norms they would absolutely put that two dollars back in their pocket! In the end, they always tip, but if you are sensitive enough you can feel them ever so gently hold on an extra tenth of a second as they hand you their money.. (just kidding...kinda)

The No Tipper

The No Tipper breaks down into two smaller tippers. The first is "The Really Can't afford to Tipper". Being we are a school we do get a fair amount of these. Its just the way it is and I think most of us students are fine with that. Some people have a pretty hard life and they need every dollar they can muster. The second No Tipper is The Cheapskate No Tipper. The Cheapskate is particularly fond of pretending to be a different type of tipper while in your chair. They are notoriously big talkers and loud personalities. They are often Reluctant Tippers with no conscience whatsoever. They pay with big bills and then smugly pocket the change right in front of you. In their free time Cheapskates are known to steal fries out of children's happy meals. The Cheapskate is easily the most reviled of all tippers.

The "I am so desperate for a date I will ginormously overtip you tipper"

I have not experienced this tipper but I have seen him in action. This tipper is overly friendly and is desperate for a date, any date.... "dear Lord please be impressed by the huge tip I am leaving you and have dinner with me!!". This tipper will tip twice the cost of a haircut trying to impress the female stylist" Side note to all you desperate males out there, this approach never ever works. Females can smell your desperation and are not impressed, but don't get me wrong, they still greatly enjoy the ginormously large tip!

Did I forget a type of tipper??? Let me know.

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