Sunday, March 20, 2011

March Madness, The Big Dance

March Madness, The Big Dance.  One might think that I am referring to college basketball but actually I am referring to the most memorable and nerve testing week in every beauty school student's life.  It's like getting the call up to the majors from the minor leagues accept in this case all you have to do is show up and you get promoted eventually...  Still, it's just as exciting.  The moment when you have amassed enough hours of schooling that they will actually allow you to work on the general public!

Wednesday was my first day.  I was in good spirits, anticipation was high.  You know you will get an appointment at some point during the day, you just don't know when or what or who.  So you wait.  Most the time I think the instructors like to drag it out until the afternoon just to make you suffer.  For me it was like playing hide and seek as a kid and my experience might have been different from other kids but it went something like this.  I would hide.  I would wait.  I would then realize that I had to go the bathroom.  I would pray I would get found quickly.  I would then either get found and run to the bathroom or give myself up because I couldn't hold it anymore and then run to the bathroom.  So yes, on Wednesday, I walked around feeling like I had to go the bathroom all day. 

When Mrs. Peacock had her first day on the floor I was able to go in and be her first client, which I greatly enjoyed but I knew the chances of Mrs. Peacock letting me cut her very distinct hairdo at this stage in my new career were nonexistent.  I was very glad this was the case because I like being married and it might have taken years of marital counseling to work through the issues that would have resulted.  As a very pleasant surprise Mrs. Peacock did show up and allow me to wax her eyebrows.  This was a nice compromise that showed that she trusted me not to scar or mame her with hot wax and allowed me to get my first service out of the way.  All while not jeopardizing our marriage.  I rang her up after and she hooked me up with a sweet $20 tip!  (Mrs. Peacock has always been the big tipper in the family)

I went on to do my first haircut later in the day and for a first cut I did a pretty good job.  I didn't cut her or myself.  For my efforts I earned a hearty dollar bill.  This served as a good reminder that it would take 20 regular women to equal 1 Mrs.Peacock...

Blogs coming soon...  Torture Through Chemical Services.... & ..... Tips!

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