Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Adventures in Colorland

"Don't get lost out there in Colorland"

Wise words from head instructor Leon as we began the hair coloring portion of our schooling.  I have always been a fan of color, I am particularly fond of purple, but my understanding of the principals of color is fairly limited, I never advanced pass 8th grade art after a major disagreement with my teacher who gave me a C+ for my oil pastel painting "Hungry Squirrel on Snow".  In my opinion, my "Hungry Squirrel" was A quality work!  Alas, my teacher gave me a big fat C+ and I learned that art was.....objective.  So I put down my paintbrushes and never began my career as a starving artist.  Fast forward 20 years and I am now confronted with color all over again.  Keep in mind that when I was 8 I was diagnosed with being slightly color blind.  This little fact makes Mrs. Peacock worry that I could be a liability but I have assured her that I can 100% tell the difference between the good colors and the bad ones!  And actually, coloring hair is more about understanding color rather than seeing color.  But seriously, I really can see about 99.5% of the color spectrum.
Can you see this number???

Leon says that some students overthink color and end up getting themselves all confused.  I am pretty sure that won't be a problem for me as anyone who knows me can attest to the fact that I am a habitual "underthinker".  Many a disappointing lunch has been ordered because I force myself to tell the waitress what I want to order even though I have know clue at the moment she says "Are you ready to order?"  I spend the next 5 seconds frantically scanning the menu and looking for a sign from a higher power as to what to order.  I am not much of a gambler but this is kind of like scratch off tickets for me.  Sometimes I get my moneys worth, sometimes its a big winner, sometimes its a loser.

I get color though, it's kind of like an algebraic equation with a few different variables here and there.  It's logical.  "Carol" even let me color her hair and it turned out pretty well I must say.  The one negative was that the gloves I used were too small and being that the tips were stretched real thin, some of the color ended up staining my finger nails.  They looked like I burned them so when I get asked what happened to my fingernails I just tell the truth...  That I am a cosmetology student and on the way to school last week I had to stop and rescue a small child from a burning car, hence the burnt nails...  Oh the life of a beauty school student.....

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